Monday, June 23, 2008

Bleeding Nipples

This post is for guys only so ladies, you can skip this one.

Protect your nipples!

Just look at this guy. Seriously it happens. Don't believe me, do a search on or for bleeding nipples.

Once again, last week I forgot to use protection and paid the price. Not as bad as this guy pictured here but bad enough. I figured this is good content for new long distance runners.

If you don't have Bruce Lee type nipples, once you start racing longer 10k (although I've seen it at 10k's as well), you will want to cover your nipples.

On hot days when you're going to sweat and your shirt is moving back and forth, up and down... it acts as sandpaper across your nipples. I've seen plenty of guys out there with light colored shirts with two red dots. My wife has heard high pitched shrieks after hitting the shower looking for relief. I don't know if it's the chlorine in our water or what.

A few ways to deal with it.

-Buy Nip Guards which were created exactly for this issue.
-Use Body Glide which goes on like speedstick.
-Buy these band-aids (COMFORT-FLEX® Clear Bandages)

I tend to use band aids or glide depending on distance and how hot it is. Glide is essential for marathon distances to use where ever there's the slights possibility of chafing. Band-aids will eliminate the nipple issue so when it doubt, cover them up.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

"The pain is our badge of honor"

Coach Joe English, who's creating a documentary on the 2008 Boston Marathon writes this on his blog...

"The pain is our badge of honor"

"The pain doesn’t last long though. And perhaps that’s why we continue to run marathons. Not because we are gluttons for punishment, but instead because we want to wear that badge of honor for a few days now and then to remind ourselves of what we can do when we set out minds to it and try."

Follow this link to read the full post...

Friday, April 25, 2008

"20 Miles is Half Way"

In an interview before running the 2008 Boston Marathon, Lance Armstrong mentions that it was either Alberto or Johnny who told him that '20 miles is half way'.  

This is probably some of the best advice/insight into running a marathon that I've ever heard.  It becomes serious at mile 20.  It's painful at mile 20.  You need to seriously focus at mile 20.  You need to get ready by mile 20. Your blisters will show themselves at mile 20.  You will start to cramp up at mile 20.  The wall will be in view at mile 20.  

Yes, there's only 6.2 miles to go at mile 20 but at mile 20 you are half way there.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Boston - Thank you to my friends

A couple of years ago, running (qualifying to run) the Boston Marathon seemed like a goal that was just too far out of reach. I didn't even consider it possible. With some encouragement by brother-in-law and friends I decided to give it a shot. Next year I was turning 40, I was coming off a good running year and my PR streak wasn't going to last must longer, so why not.

I can't tell you how much it helped having friends asking about my running, upcoming races, how my injuries were coming along... Not just that I didn't want to let people down but just having some good friends express interest in what many think is crazy (yes it is a bit crazy having to put in 20 mile runs on Sundays) really kept me going. It certainly helped my drive and focus. Last November after some seriously hard training I qualified for Boston with a 3:14– over a minute to spare. Just a year earlier, running 7:26 minute miles, for 26 miles seemed crazzzzy impossible to me.

A few days ago I ran the Boston Marathon. It was one of the most difficult but most exciting experiences of my life. I was coming off an injury, worried it would flare up and I'd blow up mid-race, missed 4 weeks of training, but I was determined to get there and finish.

I was originally shooting for a 3:20 (my original goal back in December) but within 10 miles I knew this wasn't going to happen. By mile 20 with hamstrings locking up, having to stop to pull out my orthotics from my shoes due to a huge blister on my foot and running head on into a 7 year old trying to cross the road, I changed to my goal to make it up and over Heartbreak Hill at mile 20-21 and not have to walk. So I put my head down, focused and headed towards the finish.

Luckily Stacey, the professional spectator (, as usual found the perfect location to spot me with spectators 10 deep for 26 miles. She found me among 25k runners around mile 16 and ran with me a 1/4 mile or so (bandit) and then again at mile 24 which was just what I needed at that point.

Along the way I saw John Kerry (who walked past me at the start who announced the start of the Wheel Chair Race), a few runners dressed as super heroes, bikers partying outside of biker bars in Hopkinton, lots of kids handing out orange slices, ice cubes, ice pops, cold sponges, water from their own water/Gatorade stops and jolly ranchers, women with 'kiss me for a beer' t-shirts, screaming college girls from Wellesley College (as loud as any concert I've been to, seriously), giant signs on the side of a bar with an arrow and saying 'Short Cut This Way ---->', an amputee runner who was FAST, several 55+ year old runners who've run 10+ Boston Marathons running just as fast or faster than me, and hundreds of volunteers who were real helpful and congratulating every runner they met.

I finished with thousands of spectators screaming as I crossed the finish line crossing in 3:31:31. A bit off my goal, ending my PR streak, in lots of pain but sooooo happy, emotional and completely drained.

This is something that I couldn't have accomplished without the support of my friends and family and I wanted to thank you all for the encouragement and checking in on how things went.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

How to buy running shoes

A good friend of mine who I've mentioned in early posts gave birth to Gavin in December. During her pregnancy she expressed an interest in running to get back in shape in 2008. So I started thinking about what a new runner needs to know and what questions come up. I previously posted some advice based on my experiences (going from 0 to marathon+).

One topic that I thought I'd jot down some notes on is around running shoes.

Stores like Dicks and Sports Authority sell LOTS of shoes. That's where I bought my first pair. I looked for something stylish, in the right price point (given I wasn't sure if this running thing would take) a known brand and how they felt. Well, one out of four isn't bad. My first mistake was going to Sports Authority.

Yes, fit is very important. Style and price... not so much. OK, maybe price. Brand just doesn't matter. But what Big Box Stores (or shoe outlets, mall stores...) forget to point out is that there are lots of different types of running shoes depending on your feet, your running gait or how your feet hit the ground, and if you are flat footed, high arched... I soon learned (after reading a few articles in Running Times from the Shoe Guy) that there are categories of shoes: Neutral, Stability, Motion Control, Cushioning, and even Stability+, Motion Control +... What the hell.

Turns out my knees were hurting because I was in the wrong type of shoe. Cool looking Blue Nikes. That's all I knew about the shoes I was in. I soon learned about pronation. This is basically how your feet hits the ground and rolls inward. Your heel strikes a bit on the outside and then as your foot comes down you toe off. Some people overpronate where you're rolling too much and the opposite is supinate (or under pronate). These are good terms to remember when you go to the running shoe store.

After reading a bit I learned that you have two strategies to figure out what shoe you need. First is to go to a running store and tell them you are a new runner and have no idea what type of shoe you need. They'll look at your feet, ask you to walk around, even better get you on a treadmill and then bring out a dozen boxes of shoes in all brands until you find the perfect fit for the shoe type you need to be in. I'm a proponent for visiting and supporting your local running shop. Pay the extra 10% on top of the extra 20% you'll pay over some generic, cheap, well known brand named shoe that is made to sell in volume at Dicks.

The other option is DIY. Here's an article that explains feet type, shoe type and all the rest. It is worth reading even if you are going to head out to a running store so you understand what they are talking.

Do yourself a favor and give this a read. If running turns out to be your thing, you'll want to know this stuff and getting ino the right pair of shoes will make your feet and knees realllllly happy once you start piling on the miles.

Road Runner Sports has a great selection of shoes (not necessarily the least expensive) and they have a web assistant to help you figure out your foot type and what shoe you should be in. Answer some questions, have your significant other check out your feet and they'll tell you the type of shoe you need and of course make some recommendations. Nice site.

Hopefully you're one of the few that is biometricaly efficient, normal arched and normal pronating runner. There's a good chance you're not.

Lot's of good stuff here as well.

Forget brand. There'll be brands you haven't heard of (Brooks, Saucony, Mizuono...). I run in Brooks Adrenaline 7s now but it took me a few pairs of expensive Asics to learn that lesson. They fit just right and I've burned through a dozen of them. Luckily they tend to be less expensive. I started out in Asics Kayano's because they were thought to be the best running shoe made from the leader in Running shoes and that was after I learned all of what I mentioned earlier. But I bought on Brand. Dumb. Later I learned half way through my first marathon that they run small and your feet expand on long runs. Lost a toe nail and now here I am in my Brooks and never looked back.

So toss out those old, white leather, Reeboks from the early 80s and head to your local running store with a little knowledge and get the right shoes.

By the way, spend the extra money. You'll get 300-500 miles out of them and only wear them for running. They wear down differently when you walk in them.