Protect your nipples!
Just look at this guy. Seriously it happens. Don't believe me, do a search on Google.com/images or Flickr.com for bleeding nipples.
Once again, last week I forgot to use protection and paid the price. Not as bad as this guy pictured here but bad enough. I figured this is good content for new long distance runners.
If you don't have Bruce Lee type nipples, once you start racing longer 10k (although I've seen it at 10k's as well), you will want to cover your nipples.
On hot days when you're going to sweat and your shirt is moving back and forth, up and down... it acts as sandpaper across your nipples. I've seen plenty of guys out there with light colored shirts with two red dots. My wife has heard high pitched shrieks after hitting the shower looking for relief. I don't know if it's the chlorine in our water or what.
A few ways to deal with it.
-Buy Nip Guards which were created exactly for this issue.
-Use Body Glide which goes on like speedstick.
-Buy these band-aids

I tend to use band aids or glide depending on distance and how hot it is. Glide is essential for marathon distances to use where ever there's the slights possibility of chafing. Band-aids will eliminate the nipple issue so when it doubt, cover them up.